Friday 14 September 2012

Halloween costumes & bunting

My mum has turned very festive this year with her sewing and has made Halloween and other costumes for sale. This is great for my kids who have been spoilt with new hand-made Halloween outfits. They are super excited about wearing their costumes out "trick or treating". Above are Alex's pants, top and gloves. Jasmine of course would prefer a skirt so she has been given something prettier .. though still suitably black and orange.

My mum has also been busy making Halloween bunting. She has found a range of really cute fabrics - some with more traditional orange and black and others with spooky blue and yellow bats, green and purple witches etc. My kids are desperate to hang their bunting up but I have asked them to at least wait until October arrives. We'll see what happens ... I have a feeling I might be the first to give in!

For sale

Bunting and some girly costumes are available for sale. Have a look at my mum's website under "girly gear" and "bunting" - Dezines for Kids

You can also see Christmas and Hanukkah bunting and skirts.

Contact Tina if you would like to make any purchases.



  1. Oh, how fun!! I love your mom's bunting and costumes! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  2. What wonderful costumes!

  3. Awww this is so great! Awesome costumes!~ thanks for sharing these ideas.

    Happy Halloween!
    Homemade Halloween Costume Ideas
